Guest: Mark Ibanez of KTVU 2

Having Mark Ibanez speak to our class was a refreshing look at the life of a sportscaster who works for a local news station. I feel like as consumers we get so caught up on what is shown on SportsCenter or on websites or blogs that we often forget about what once used to be one of the most prestigious positions a person that cares about sports can have: the role of covering sports for a local newscast. While the role is diminishing, it certainly is not dead, and Ibanez proved that. He takes great pride in what he does for a living and it seems like he has a great time doing it. Also, I don’t think anyone can beat the day he has: wake up, read the morning paper and have the entire AM to yourself? It doesn’t get any better than that. While he does have to work late hours, going into work at 4 PM sounds pretty ideal to me. Even though his airtime has decreased over the years, he’s lucky to still be doing what he loves and still be on the air. Local sports will never die, so I honestly don’t see how local newscasts will.

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